Receive a notification on your phone when a selected BLE Smart Tag or iBeacon moves out of range.- Place a BLE device in a toddler's pocket to receive a notification if he leaves the playground area.
- Attach a BLE device to a child car seat and be notified when you walk away from the car, possibly without attending to the car seat.
- Child Guardian is also useful for monitoring pets or anything where you wish to be notified if it leaves the area.
Child Guardian does not display any advertisements or offer in-app purchase items, does not require the user to sign up for any accounts, and transmits no information over the Internet.
Child Guardian works with Bluetooth Low Energy beacons and Bluetooth Smart devices. It requires that you either already own one of these devices or that you separately purchase an iBeacon or Eddystone compatible beacon, or a BLE Smart Tag. These devices cost about $15 USD.
Child Guardian is very easy to use. Press the “?” button to view the built-in Quick Start guide and Help file.